Friday, March 13, 2020

Free Essays on Poverty And Middleclass

Budgets It is amazing how a few thousand dollars can make such a huge difference in people’s lives. Looking at both budget sheets you can easily tell the difference in lifestyle between the two. It was very hard figuring out a budget sheet for the Blue Family because cuts had to be made in important parts of the budget sheet that people need, like personal things. On the other hand the Whites budget sheet was very easy to fill out. They had plenty of income and you could make their living very comfortable. The Whites budget sheet was very easy to look over and make suggestions for. Do to the income the whites bring in, they live most comfortably. They are the type of family that has no worries by the end of the month because the have plenty of money saved away for emergencies. You can make an assumption that the white’s house hold is very laid back and happy. For the most part when families don’t have to deal with the stress of not having enough money they are usually a happier family. When families have to dill with financial problems they usually have a lot of problems like Divorces, fights, children selling drugs, and bankruptcy. â€Å" One out of four children in the United States (23%) are being raised in single parent families due to financial problems† (Institute for Children and Poverty). The Blue family is looking at an up hill battle with their budget. Their financial situation is not a good on. With the amount of income the blue family brings in they are not living comfortably. A lot of the thing this family will have to go without. But what is most important unlike the White family the Blue families’ children will have to go without a lot of thing children should receive. They will not be able to go shopping and by name brand cloths. Also they won’t be able to go to the movies or by magazines. This is going to cause problems for them socially when they go to school or out in public. With the amount of ... Free Essays on Poverty And Middleclass Free Essays on Poverty And Middleclass Budgets It is amazing how a few thousand dollars can make such a huge difference in people’s lives. Looking at both budget sheets you can easily tell the difference in lifestyle between the two. It was very hard figuring out a budget sheet for the Blue Family because cuts had to be made in important parts of the budget sheet that people need, like personal things. On the other hand the Whites budget sheet was very easy to fill out. They had plenty of income and you could make their living very comfortable. The Whites budget sheet was very easy to look over and make suggestions for. Do to the income the whites bring in, they live most comfortably. They are the type of family that has no worries by the end of the month because the have plenty of money saved away for emergencies. You can make an assumption that the white’s house hold is very laid back and happy. For the most part when families don’t have to deal with the stress of not having enough money they are usually a happier family. When families have to dill with financial problems they usually have a lot of problems like Divorces, fights, children selling drugs, and bankruptcy. â€Å" One out of four children in the United States (23%) are being raised in single parent families due to financial problems† (Institute for Children and Poverty). The Blue family is looking at an up hill battle with their budget. Their financial situation is not a good on. With the amount of income the blue family brings in they are not living comfortably. A lot of the thing this family will have to go without. But what is most important unlike the White family the Blue families’ children will have to go without a lot of thing children should receive. They will not be able to go shopping and by name brand cloths. Also they won’t be able to go to the movies or by magazines. This is going to cause problems for them socially when they go to school or out in public. With the amount of ...